Great Jones and Character's customers share a lot in common: they love the home, bright colors, and modern upgrades. So they partnered together to drop a storage pegboard designed specifically for Great Jones's cookwear.
Using Canal to power the sale of both the collab product as well as native product's from Character's collection, they made selling and fulfillment easier so they could focus on promotion.
Inspired by our New York City small-kitchen roots and Julia Child’s iconic pegboard wall, we bring you The Pegboard Set: a joyful and infinitely customizable pegboard system to maximize your kitchen wall space. We made the ultimate kitchen (or anywhere!) storage solution in collaboration with our pals at Character, the Chicago-based next-generation home improvement brand for DIYers.
— Great Jones
Keeping it DIY but also making it easy: they included a link to a page with detailed instructions on how to use install these new tools.