Let's chat

Interested in selling with Canal? Tell us a bit about you and our team will reach out if it's a fit.

Thanks to Canal, our customers don't need to leave our website to buy everything they need for their coffee bars. It's a seamless way for us to offer quality products from other brands we trust.
Maile Lesica
CCO, Fellow
This collaboration on Canal outdid my expectations by 10x. Working with the Canal team was instrumental… they helped me understand the power of our store’s backend in a totally new way.
Zac Albright
VP of Branded Content at Nocking Point Wines

How selling with Canal works

Find on-brand products

Explore Canal’s vetted network of top brands. Easily select products to sell and effortlessly negotiate commissions in-app.

Sell anywhere seamlessly

Use Canal to sell third party products at any customer touchpoint — with a single-cart check out for your customer.

Sit back and profit

New orders will flow directly to your partners to fulfill. Dig into insights to see how to sell more.

Andie logoBrightland logoEightSleep logoFellow logoFishwife logoGreatJones logoFly by Jing logoOlipop logoOmsom logoRoute logo